We may run out of red roses today.
Please select a second choice.
This classic design will always be welcomed. Red for passion, pink for care and love, peach for romance, white for purity, lavender for uniqueness and yellow or orange for friendship and a bit of sunshine. A dozen roses elegantly designed with the seasonal foliage and flourishes. Please specify color and provide a second choice, just in case.
Returns: Unfortunately, because our florals are freshly cut and specifically made to order, we cannot accept returns. We strive to provide exceptional customer service and satisfaction, and if there are ever any issues with your order or service experience, please let us know and we will do our best to solve the issue.
We respect nature’s offering, please understand we may need to make substitutions depending on the season and availability.
Based in Oakland, California, Red Bud Florals is Bay Area's Environmental Florist specializing in weddings, corporate and everyday occasions. We deliver beautiful bouquets daily to Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, Piedmont, Emeryville, San Leandro.